
Feb 6,7,8, 2023

Yummy Fest

The Statistics and Computer Science Students' Association (SCSSA) organized a Street Food Festival "Yummy Fest" from 6th February to 8th February 2023. The festival was held near the science auditorium of the university from 3 pm to 6 pm. The event was mainly organized by the first-year students of the department, who put in a lot of effort to make the festival a success..

The Street Food Festival featured four food stalls, each offering a unique culinary experience. The food was delicious, and attendees enjoyed the variety of options available. The first-year students also did a fantastic job decorating the venue. The festival had a vibrant and colorful atmosphere, and attendees enjoyed the music and entertainment provided.

The profit from the event was handed over to the Department of Statistics & Computer Science to fund the annual DSCS camp. The Street Food Festival was a great success, and it provided an excellent opportunity for students to showcase their culinary skills and come together as a community..

Click here for the images of Yummy Fest 🍔🍟🥪 organized by the Statistics & Computer Science Students' Association (SCSSA) are attached here. 🤩🤩

image01 Article and photographed by :
Statistics and Computer Science Student's association,
Department of Statistics and Computer Science,
Faculty of Science,
University of Kelaniya.